
Danwillie's News for Christians Today from a Rightly Divided Perpective

Who is Our Triune God in the Bible?




Our Triune God- God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit- Also Called the Trinity.

In Genesis 1 We start with the Attributes of Our Triune God are described.

Les Feldick’s Book 1 Part1 Lesson 1 PDF covers Who is Our God in detail. To Get a transcription go to this Link. What I will do here is outline his key points.

Who is Our Triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit,
God the Son the Creator. The Trinity

The first Point is this is all by Faith. If you can’t accept these words in bible as the inspired word of God, then I pray that through the reading of his word that this Triune God reaches into your soul with an understanding of Who our God is. Focus on what Les is saying and go through the Bible verses he covers. Because it is by studying his word that your Faith will Grow.

Now as we begin this first program we trust that as we open the Word that you will learn, and grow in the Grace and knowledge, which is why the Lord has left us here. Now let’s just get right into the meat of the Word of God, and since we’re going to be following a format of “Through the Bible” as our program title indicates, we’ll be starting in the Book of Genesis, but before we start looking at the Scriptures which we will probably do in our next program, for this lesson today I just want to give an overview of the plan of the ages that the Almighty Triune God precipitated sometime way back in eternity past. That’s when, according to Acts chapter 2, the Triune God met in counsel, and with the foreknowledge of God, set everything in motion.

Les’s first words

 The beauty of Bible study is to see that God as Sovereign as He is, nevertheless let men and nations exercise their free will and yet here we are as close as we can tell nearly 6000 years from the creation of man’s beginning.

God Created Man with a Free Will- Key to purpose on this Earth.

 “God created it out of nothing” This goes against all that man thinks he knows.

The Church’s is going to be Raptured out and the last 7 years of Tribulation comes to an end with the Second Coming of Christ as I’ve already shown here on the timeline. At that time Christ will return at His Second Coming and then He will be ready to set up the Kingdom that has been promised to Israel ever since Genesis chapter 12. And so there we have in this sort of an overall nutshell, the whole picture of human history from Adam to the cross, to the calling out of the Body of Christ, the Church, whereupon the Tribulation will come in under the rule of the anti-Christ, another world ruler. And then at the end of that Christ returns victoriously and the earth will revert back as it was in the Garden of Eden. And then we go into those final 1,000 years when He will rule and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Les summarizes in the first lesson ending with this statement.

Lesson 1 Part III Book1


We will be adding to this article on Who is Our Triune God in the Bible?

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