
Danwillie's News for Christians Today from a Rightly Divided Perpective

News on What is the Church!

Is there more than one church?

When we read Gods Word Is there a Jewish church and a church based on the Mysteries in Paul. Is the Church of Act2 the same as the Body of Christ. In this article using Scripture I will, they certainly not the same. I reference this YouTube video.

The Church or Churches

Again, we continue our series of lessons covering the beginning of the church. As you explain this truth to others, they may ask you, “What about the church before the church, the Body of Christ?” You will find help giving your answer in this lesson, “The Church Before the Church.”

The Outline and more info at Grace Ambassador. This is very controversial but the reasoning is out of the Word of God.

ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
an holy nation, a peculiar people;
~ 1 Peter 2:9

  1. Review – The Beginning of the Church
    a. Why is this important? To know our ministry purpose and pattern.
    b. Lesson 1 – Which church? One God, but more than one ministry.
    c. Lesson 2 – Which apostle? One Lord, but more than one ministry.
    d. Lesson 3 – Who were they? One Spirit, but more than one ministry.
    e. “Objection! There was a church before Paul!” Yes, that’s what we teach, that’s the point!
    i. There was a gospel/apostle/ministry before Paul!” Of course there was.
    f. There was a church (prophetic) before the church (mystery). Who were they?
    g. Eph 1:23, 3:6, 4:4 – One body acc. to the mystery, means they were not the body.
  2. Identifying the Church in Jerusalem
    a. Which church? Acts 2:47,8:1,3, 1Cor 15:9 – the Jerusalem church of the twelve apostles.
    b. The church since Christ and with the Spirit, but before the Body was revealed Matt 16:18
    c. They are never referred to as a body. (Acts 9:5 is the commonly given proof)
    d. “Ye men of Israel” – Acts 2:22; 12 tribes Jam 1:1; “born again” 1Pet 1:23; elect =
    e. Not OT Israel  Matt 19:28, 21:43, 23:1-3, Lk 12:32, John 1:11-12, 2 Cor 3:14-15
    i. Jesus came to separate (call out) a people from Israel – Mt 3:11-12, 10:32-36
    f. Hebrews makes them the recipients of the new covenant = NT Israel. Heb 8:6, 10:15-25
    g. They have high priest, covenants, a city to come – Heb 2:5, 9:11,10:1, 13:14, Col 2:17
    h. Mt. Sion  This is Israel who gets salvation in the world to come – Rom 11:26-27
    i. New heavenly Jerusalem built upon 12 apostles – Heb 12:22, Rev 21:2, 9-14
    j. Church of the firstborn? – Heb 12:23. Cross reference to Heb 11:28, Exo 4:22-23
  3. The Prophetic Remnant
    a. If it is spoken by the prophets it is not the mystery body.
    b. Every place people find the church spoken by the prophets is referring to NT Israel.
    c. The remnant a product of God’s promises and wrath –Isa 1:9,4:3,11:11,Jer 23:3-8,31:7
    d. The remnant of Israel return to the land, revive, and get grace from God – Ezra 9:6-8
    e. Jesus came to bring salvation to Israel (NT) – Isa 45:17-25
    f. The remnant would be at Pentecost – Joel 2:27-32 and Acts 2:16-21
    g. The promise of the Spirit goes back to Ezekiel 36:27-28, Lk 1:72, 24:49, Acts 1:4, 2:33
    h. Hosea 1:10, 2:18 speaks about the people who were not a people who get a covenant
    i. These people are the called out assembly of NT Israel – Acts 3:24, 1Pet 2:9-10
    ii. They show up again in Revelation 7:4, 12:17
    i. Christ, the Spirit, the new covenant came to the remnant of Israel – Rom 9:4, 11:15
    j. There was a prophesied assembly of remnant Israel called a church before Paul
    k. They were in Christ acc. to their covenant; we are in Christ acc. to the mystery.
    l. What was not before Paul was the mystery revealed – which concerns our ministry!

So read the verses and listen to Justin Johson. I see his point and help us understand the Bible better.

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One response to “News on What is the Church!”

  1. danwillie Avatar

    Justin Johnson show clearly the differences in thew Church of Act2 and Paul’s Church in his Epistles.

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