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Jesus Thru out the bible- he wrote it!



When Reading the Bible do you See Jesus?

I think of John 1:1 [Jhn 1:1 KJV] 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Grace Ambassador -Justin Johnson Offered an excellent View of Jesus thru out the Bible.

Below I have included the YouTube and Audio of this. Listen to the Video to See the Chart he makes.

People/Things Testify of Jesus
a. Adam, Abel, Seth, Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Joshua, Judges (Samson), David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Daniel, Nehemiah, Jonah, Jeremiah, Zerubbabel
b. The priest, the prophet, the king, the promise, the law, the psalms (lament, victory)
c. The lamb, goat, the mercy seat, the city, the temple, the ark, the word

The Unsearchable Jesus
a. Questions about salvation: Who? What? When? Why? How?
b. The answers are found in Christ, but we must rightly divide what he is doing
c. Jesus is the same to who he is- but not what he does – Heb 13:8
d. Jesus come, but leaving to come again was a mystery – Matt 13:11
e. Jesus bringing salvation to the world in absentia is a greater mystery – Eph 3:8-9
f. The glory of the death, burial, absence is our gospel – Rom 16:25, 1 Cor 1:21
g. All Bible about Jesus – but what he is doing today the subject of mystery revealed.

Below is the Outline for Jesus Through The Bible.

When reading each book of the bible, do look for why Jesus has you reading this book at this time. Every book is the inspired word of God and is for all believers in Christ. And remember the red letters were put in by man. Jesus speaks all the way thru. John 1:1

[Jhn 1:1 KJV] 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

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These are excellent links to Grace Ambassors

  – Chart: Rightly Dividing Jesus, Peter, and Paul
  – Chart: Important Bible Distinctions
  – Chart Lesson: Bible Breakdown
  – Chart: Through the Bible
  – Chart Lesson: Food and Family Throughout the Bible
  – Chart: Mountains in the Bible

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One response to “Jesus Thru out the bible- he wrote it!”

  1. n4c2dadmin Avatar

    Justin Johnson does a bang up job on this subject of Jesus Thru out the Bible.

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